Saturday, January 9, 2021




Hello to all Saifi Blog Readers!

In today’s blog, we will be discussing Industrial automation, its benefits, and the future it holds in the coming years.

Let us first understand what is Industrial Automation?

Industrial Automation is the use of information technology and control devices to control and automate the industrial processes, operations and machinery with minimum human intervention.

Automation is derived from two terms:  Auto (means ‘self’) Matos (means ‘moving’).

In industrial automation we can adjust, control and automate various factors like temperature, flow, pressure, distance, and liquid levels and so many other things as per our desired specifications and requirements.

Why do we need Industrial Automation?

In today’s time Manufacturers, Warehouse Owners, and Factory Owners are facing huge competition in terms of order completion, profit margins, stocking, safety of goods, energy savings, and on-time fulfillment of bulk orders.


Also, with this, they face a lot of challenges posed by human labor, example- Frequent strikes, accidents, human errors, unproductivity and unnecessary delays impacting the running and goodwill of an organization.


Hence to reduce the dependency on human labor and eliminate human errors, manufacturing concerns are now moving towards automation.


Above listed are a few of the factors which drive manufacturers towards industrial automation.


As compared with manual and traditional systems, automation systems provide better performance in terms of precision, productivity, power, quality, and speed of operation.

1.     Increased Productivity

Automation system increases productivity by producing greater output for a given labor input. Humans can work for limited hours with limited energy but automaton systems can work endlessly for 24x7 without stopping and getting tired.


2.     Great Product Quality

Through uniform processes and standard procedures, the biggest advantage industries receive is the uniform and premium quality product which ensures minimum or no production defect thereby reducing the return of the products to a great extent. By using these automation systems, industrial processes, and operations are controlled and monitored from the initial stage to end-stage to manufacture a uniform and qualitative end product.

3.     Cost Reduction

Automation system helps the industries to save a lot of money in terms of minimum waste generation for maximum production and by saving salaries, workforce costs, pensions and other costs associated with employees. If your orders get completed on time your organization would yield in more orders hence increasing the overall profits of the firm.

4.     Reduction Manual Tasks

In traditional methods various process variables like temperature, liquid level, pressure, power, etc. are set by manual labor. However, using automated systems same can be automatically controlled and maintained without the involvement of human labor and without any error too.

5.     Lesser Accidents and Human Errors

Since most of the processes get automated with minimum human intervention, fewer accidents are prone to happen at the sites and manufacturing plants. By implementing an automated system, repetitive operations work is made simpler and safer by reducing human dependence and relying on accurate automation systems and only giving supervisory and administrative roles to human labor.


Also, automated systems can operate in any weather at any given point of time and, especially in life-threatening conditions (chemical and high-temperature conditions). Thus, an industrial automation system prevents accidents and injuries to the workers.


6.     Data Accuracy

Automated systems enable accurate data collection and handling thereby helping you to take the correct decisions depending upon the information and data collected at various stages of production. You can check accordingly which process is taking how long and what further improvements are needed.


Ø  Automation can not only make a difference in one or two processes but across the whole organization. Most of the operations can now be automated with new software and machines coming every day. You can automate your back-office support, attendance system, production lines, research and development, sales, marketing, placing and fulfillment of orders, stacking, warehousing, and stocking of products, and whatnot.

Ø  Today more than 20% of manufacturing concerns and industries have realized the importance of automating their processes and in the coming decade 80% of the Industries will be operating in automated mode.

Ø  Its not just about saving money when we talk about industrial automation but if you really want to stand this cut-throat competition and want to gain an extra edge over your competitors than automation is one of the key drivers.

Ø  Companies are increasingly deploying automation to strengthen business resilience, reduce risk and generate useful business insights more easily.

Ø  As per a recent report, around 60% of technology companies are planning to automate most of their activities now.

Ø  By year 2025, it’s estimated that around 10-15% of jobs in three major sectors (manufacturing, transportation and storage, and wholesale and retail trade) will see multifold automation and growth in their processes.

Ø  By 2035, the range of jobs with high automation potential will be closer to 35-50% for those sectors.



1.     Automation Systems like Conveyors ensures the continuous movement of goods twice as fast as manual handling.


2.     Your investment can be recovered in less than two years as it speeds up your process, enabling you to produce more and profit more.


3.     By making operations organized and transparent, conveyors and other automated systems help you fulfill your consignments and targets on time, so that you can target double clients and go ahead of your competitor.


4.     As less of the humans are involved, human errors and damage due to human handling are reduced by 50%.


5.     Site accidents due to product handling reduces by 65%.


Want to know more about Automated Conveyor Systems?

At Saifi Automations a team of experts who designs and customize conveyors for your organization according to your required weight and speed specifications, to improve both the productivity and the work environment. 

We are a prominent Manufacturers, Exporters of a wide range of Overhead Conveyors, Belt Conveyor, Slat Conveyors, I-Beam Overhead Conveyors, Six Wheel Model Head Conveyor, Three Wheel Over Head Conveyor, Conveyors Components, and much more

The right time to automate your operation is now. If you want to learn more about the latest in Conveyor Systems, or if conveyor meet your needs or have any queries or hesitations about conveyor systems you may please contact us!

You may visit us



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Founded in the year 1987, Saifi Con-Fab System Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading Manufacturers, Exporters and Importer of a wide range of Monorail Overhead Conveyors, Belt Conveyor, Slat Conveyors, I-Beam Overhead Conveyors, Six Wheel Model Head Conveyor, Three Wheel Over Head Conveyor, Conveyors Components and much more.